Thursday 24th Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
Parliamentary system

13 Out of 65 MP's Sign Petition Calling for Parliamentary System

Former President and incumbent Speaker of Parliament Mohamed Nasheed has introduced a petition calling for President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih to change the current system of governance from a presidential system to a parliamentary system.
The petition is currently being signed at the Maldives Democratic Party (MDP) headquarters. Maafannu-Central MP Ibrahim Rasheed (Bonde), who is heading the petition, informed Dhiyares that the petition is steadily gaining signatures.
13 of the 65 MDP members of parliament have signed the petition so far. The party has been divided in two, with supporters of President Solih and former President Nasheed becoming separate factions.
In a message to the MDP National Majilis WhatsApp group, Nasheed requested to collect as many signatures for the petition as possible. A later message read that only those in favor of a parliamentary system must be supported during the MDP National Majilis elections.
So far, the petition has been signed by:
  • Deputy Speaker of Parliament Eva Abdulla
  • Ungoofaaru MP Mohamed Waheed
  • Madaveli MP Hussain Firushan
  • Maafannu-North MP Imthiyaz Fahmy
  • Addu-Hulhudhoo MP Ilyas Labeeb
  • Bilehdhoo MP Ahmed Haleem
  • Gahdhoo MP Ahmed Zahir
  • Maafannu-Central MP Ibrahim Rasheed
  • Henveiru-North MP Ibrahim Muizzu
  • Vilufushi MP Hussain Afeef
  • Galolhu-South MP Mickail Naseem
  • Machchangoalhi-North MP Mohamed Rasheed
  • Velidhoo MP Mohamed Abdulla Shafeeq
Bonde reported to Dhiyares that more members will be signing the petition.