Wednesday 16th Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
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Reeko Moosa

Rahaa Resort Employees Stranded and Denied Basic Rights, Accuse Management of Negligence

Several employees of Rahaa Resort in Laamu Atoll, under the management of Reeko Moosa Manik, have come forward with serious allegations of neglect and mistreatment. In a letter addressed to the media, Rishabh Shekhawat, one of the affected employees, outlined a series of grievances, including non-payment of wages, visa irregularities, and abandonment following their resignation.

Non-Payment of Salaries

According to Shekhawat, the workers have not received their salaries for the last three months, despite repeated requests and follow-ups. The financial strain caused by this delay has left many employees unable to support their families or meet their basic needs. The lack of payment is a blatant violation of labor rights and has created significant distress among the workforce.

Visa Irregularities

The workers were promised valid work visas upon joining the resort, but these commitments have not been fulfilled. The absence of proper legal documentation has left the employees in a precarious situation, exacerbating their fears of deportation or legal action. The uncertainty surrounding their status has added to their frustration, leading to a sense of abandonment and betrayal by the management.

Abandonment After Resignation

In a particularly shocking turn of events, two of the employees who resigned due to intolerable working conditions were taken to another island under false pretenses. They were told that after undergoing a medical procedure, they would be allowed to leave. However, this claim turned out to be untrue. The employees now find themselves stranded on an island without access to basic necessities such as clean water, food, or adequate shelter.

Appeal for Urgent Action

The affected employees have urgently appealed for media intervention, hoping to bring attention to their plight. Their demands include the immediate payment of their overdue wages, the provision of promised visas, and a safe relocation or return home. "Our safety, livelihood, and dignity are at stake," Shekhawat wrote in the mail, stressing the dire situation they face.
This is not the first time Reeko Moosa Manik and Rahaa Resort have faced such accusations. Both have previously been accused multiple times of failing to pay employee wages and neglecting tax obligations. These repeated allegations paint a troubling picture of ongoing mismanagement and disregard for both workers' rights and legal responsibilities, raising serious concerns about the resort’s treatment of its staff and overall accountability.