Tuesday 30th Apr 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
Ministry of Housing, Land and Urban Development

Minister’s Letter Assures Land Recipients that Land Will be Allocated

The Housing Ministry has issued a letter in the name of Housing Minister Dr. Ali Haidar to assure those who have received land under the land ownership scheme.
The ministry said the document will be available through the Housing Portal.
The government has also given an additional opportunity to those who have not handed over their documents under the land owner scheme.
The Housing Ministry said in an announcement last month that 9,003 plots had been allocated under the landlord scheme but only 8,394 people had received land titles.

Therefore, the ministry gave him another opportunity to take over the land registry.

Under the landlord scheme, the previous government allocated free land in Hulhumalé, Giraavarufalhu and Gulhifalhu. 1351 plots were allocated in Uppsala, 2219 plots in Gulhifalhu and 5433 plots in Giraavarufalhu.

The process of issuing the registry of land under the landlord scheme was started near the first round of the presidential election, but the previous government postponed it after the first round of the election.

President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu has issued an order not to confiscate any land or flats allocated by the previous government.