Friday 19th Apr 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
India high commission

Govt Prohibited Parking in Indian High Commission's Vicinity

It has been revealed that the government closed off the parking zone across from Velaanaage and prohibited parking in the Indian High Commission’s vicinity.
According to documents acquired by Dhiyares, a letter from the Ministry of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure signed by State Minister Akram Kamaaluddin requested Male’ City Council to prohibit parking in the area.
The letter read that the parking zone across from Velaanage needed to be cleared for security reasons. Additionally, the ministry requested the council to empty the parking zone east of Velaanaage, highlighting the area.
It is now prohibited to park in the zone in front of the High Commission of India.
Vehicles are also prohibited from being stationary outside the embassy for extended periods of time. A sign posted in the area reads the zone is not to be used apart from taxis, waste collection, and moving goods.
It is worth noting that Indian High Commissioner Sunjay Sudhir has requested the Maldivian government to close off the pavement in front of the High Commission and construct concrete bollards. He also requested the permanent closure of Lotus Goalhi, a lane east of the Commission.
The parking area that has now been closed off was often used by staff of nearby government and private offices. This will greatly inconvenience those searching for parking spots.