Wednesday 23rd Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
MP Roxeyna Adam

Pres. Solih's Govt Most Active in Halting Terrorism: Rozaina

Parliament representative for Addu-Meedhoo constituency Rozaina Adam has stated that President Solih’s government has done more work to stop terrorism than any other government.
Rozaina tweeted that despite members speaking against the government for political reasons and claiming the government has been facilitating extremism, President Solih’s government has done more against terrorism than any other presidency.
Former President and incumbent Speaker of Parliament has previously stated that the current government gives way to extremism.
President Nasheed also stated he is no longer politically aligned with President Solih, and expressed interest in seeking support from former President Yameen Abdul Gayoom. He claimed he wished to form a coalition with members of a moderate religious view, and even if that is Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM), it is now needed.