Wednesday 23rd Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
Progressive congress coalition

Opposition Calls for Health Minister’s Resignation

Opposition Progressive Congress Coalition has called for the resignation of Health Minister Ahmed [Kerafa] Naseem.
In a statement released today, the coalition cited the countless completely preventable fatalities being recorded in the country due to the sheer incompetence of the Health Minister and those working under his authority. The coalition also stated that the government has completed failed to manage the Covid-19 pandemic, and that apologies after the fact are not acceptable in the face of so many tragedies.
“This coalition strongly urges the concerned authorities to investigate these issues immediately and justly, and take appropriate action against those who’s incompetence is responsible”, read the statement.
The opposition’s statement also made note of the fact that while the Solih administration has spent more than MVR 3.5 billion of government funds on Covid related expenses till date, precious little was spent on anything benefiting the public.
For instance, the opposition highlighted that the government – contrary to the multiple false assurances given to the public – doesn’t seem to have had a worst-case scenario plan as none of the Covid facilities nor testing capabilities were upgraded or made ready for a possible surge of the proportions being experienced at this time, despite several warnings by medical experts.
The opposition implored President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih to take responsibility and strengthen Covid-19 measures and called on Health Minister Naseem to resign posthaste.
Last night Maldives recorded its youngest fatality due to Covid-19 – a ten-year-old girl, who died waiting for the ambulance, which arrived more than two hours late. Her death has become the catalyst for many Maldivians who have taken to social media to demand the resignation of Health Minister Naseem.