Friday 14th Feb 2025
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
Member Mohmed Nihad

Former MP Mohamed Nihad Alleges Corruption in MDP Housing Schemes

Former Feydhoo MP Mohamed Nihad has accused the previous MDP administration of distributing flats and land plots unfairly during meetings held at Mookai Hotel.
Speaking at a PNC event on Monday night, Nihad, who represented the MDP for most of the 19th Parliament before switching allegiance to the PNC, claimed he had firsthand knowledge of these alleged distributions.
Nihad alleged that an “elite group” within the MDP, including party members and MPs, orchestrated the allocation of housing and land. He specifically named former Economic Minister and MDP Chairperson Fayyaz Ismail as the key figure behind the alleged misconduct.
According to Nihad, individuals appointed to boards of state-owned enterprises and those already owning properties were awarded flats and plots. He also alleged recipients of Hiyaa flats were also granted Vinares flats, and some received high-value land plots in Hulhumalé worth between MVR 12 million and MVR 30 million.
These allegations coincide with the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) scandal over fraudulent land allocations under the ‘Binveriyaa’ scheme. Former HDC Managing Director Ibrahim Fazul Rasheed resigned amid corruption allegations, as his brother Mohamed Fazeel Rasheed, who was initially ineligible, allegedly received land through the scheme.
Additionally, leaked documents on social media have suggested that some individuals were allocated Vinares apartments using forged payment slips linked to the SeaLife scam, which was intended to compensate scam victims.