Sunday 5th May 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
President Dr.Muizzu

3 Ministers Rejected by Parliament to Please Particular Country: President

President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu has stated that the MDP parliamentary majority group forced the rejection of the three cabinet ministers to please a particular country.
The President said this during his visit to the northernmost atolls, at a meeting with the people of Nolhivaranfaru in Haa Dhaalu Atoll.
President Dr. Muizzu came to power and appointed 22 ministers in the ministries of his administration. He then sent the names of the ministers to the Parliament for approval. However, 19 of the 22 ministers received approval, with three being rejected.
The ministers who did not receive approval were Attorney General Ahmed Usham, Housing Minister Dr. Ali Haidar, and Islamic Affairs Minister Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed. Although the parliament did not approve them, the President re-appointed them and sent their names to the parliament once again.
Addressing the people of Nolhivaranfaru, the President said the opposition MDP members did not approve the three ministers because they were forced to please a particular country. However, the President did not name a specific country.
Others were telling them not to approve three or four ministers, they were being forced by someone who is widely believed to be influenced by external powers.
President Dr. Muizzu
Therefore, he said, the current majority in the Parliament is no longer representative of the will of the people of the country. The President stated that pleasing another country is more important to them than the development of Maldives.