Thursday 6th Feb 2025
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
President’s Office

‘Nationalism’ to be Taught As Separate Subject from Next Academic Year

The country's education curriculum will include Dhivehi Nationalism as a separate subject from the next academic year.
The President's Office Principal Secretary on Public Policy, Abdullah Nazim Ibrahim, announced at a press conference yesterday that the Social Council meeting on Wednesday decided to introduce a new subject to the Maldivian national schooling system.
The paper was submitted to the Social Council by the Ministry of Education.
“The Social Council has decided to include a separate subject in the national curriculum to teach Dhivehi nationalism to revive the innate love for one’s country, and to build a generation that loves Maldives and is familiar with Dhivehi,” Nazim said.
The Ministry of Education has been asked to make all necessary efforts to develop the curriculum and ensure it is ready to be taught in the next academic year.
This follows on from the President’s creation of a special ministry to deal with the preservation of the Dhivehi language and national culture. The Ministry of Dhivehi Language, Culture, and Heritage serves the purpose of aiding in the revival of the use of the national language and the spirit of nationalism within the country.
All schools resumed their classes on the 7th of this month after the holiday, following the President's decision to start schools with the recitation of the national anthem. which was also to revive the innate love for the Maldives.