Saturday 27th Apr 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
Qasim Ibrahim

JP Leader Qasim Ibrahim Vows to Scrap Hiyaa Flat Rent During Presidency

In an effort to address concerns over the high rent of Hiyaa flats in Hulhumalé, presidential candidate Qasim Ibrahim from the JP party has pledged to eliminate the rental charges for these social housing towers if elected as the President in 2023. During a recent council meeting, Qasim criticized the housing policies of the current government, accusing them of favoritism in land distribution and exerting influence over independent commissions and bodies.
Under the current government, steps have been taken to reduce the monthly rent and maintenance fee for Hiyaa flats, which have received numerous complaints. Starting from June 2023 and continuing for the next seven years, the rental rate has been decreased from MVR 8,000 to MVR 6,300. However, Qasim Ibrahim aims to go a step further by waiving off the rent entirely, emphasizing the importance of careful consideration of votes in the upcoming presidential election on September 9.