Saturday 26th Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
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Progressive congress coalition

Opposition passes resolution to free President Yameen

The opposition's Senate has approved a resolution to do whatever it takes to free former president Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom from prison and bring him back to the presidency.
An emergency meeting of PPM/PNC senators was held last night at the Meeruma Hotel to pass the resolution. The resolution was adopted with the support of 89 senators who attended the meeting.
According to the resolution, President Yameen was sentenced to 11 years in prison by the criminal court on Sunday by violating Islamic law and laws by "creating false evidence" from a group of people who had an enmity with him.
The resolution called on President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih to resign, issue statements to release President Yameen, and to protest across the country.
According to the resolution agreed by the opposition Senate, President Yameen was jailed to prevent him from contesting in the upcoming elections. Therefore, all members of PPM and PNC should remain together and resolve not to allow division," the resolution said.