Friday 14th Mar 2025
Dhivehi Edition

MDP launches counter-campaign to 'India Out'

President Solih and Indian PM Narendra Modi. Photo: President's Office.
Ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has launched their very own counter-campaign to the opposition’s “India Out”.
The campaign is called “Baakeenuvey”, translated as “Do not be left behind”.
Several high-ranking government officials and members of MDP have already started tweeting support for the new movement. The gist of their argument is that the “India Out” campaign would alienate Maldivians from the international sphere.
The proponents say that the Maldives and India had long standing ties and therefore, such a campaign is divisive and should not be allowed to continue.
MDP leader and Parliament Speaker former President Mohamed Nasheed had also tweeted his support. His tweet, oddly, came in Dhivehi.
In his tweet, Nasheed said the entire campaign was a politically motivated one and only serves the political ambitions of a group. The campaign, he said, was unpopular among Maldivians, as evident from the low number of participants.
Others have highlighted India’s benevolence, especially in the covid-19 pandemic. Jennifer Latheef, Deputy Managing Director of national airline Maldivian, said that she would be ‘forever grateful’ for the assistance extended.
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih had criminalized the movement in April, citing national security risks. Following this, Maldives Police Service (MPS) had begun removing “India Out” banners. Owners of residences displaying such banners had been summoned to MPS as well. Protesters have also been arrested from “India Out” rallies.

“Baakeenuvey” is an attempt to counter the social media presence of “India Out”. “India Out” is a frequently trending hashtag for the region on twitter.

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