Saturday 27th Jul 2024
Dhivehi Edition
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Progressive congress coalition

Maldivian opposition rises in defense of Indian Muslims

Opposition Progressive Congress Coalition has revealed that they championed the rights of Indian Muslims and intended to run a campaign on the matter.
Speaking to TMJ, People’s National Congress (PNC) head Abdul Raheem Abdullah said that this was a national movement. He said that both PNC and the alliance partner Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) had begun engaging with local civil groups and organizations.
“This is a huge endeavor. We are talking with civil organizations to determine a date and venue. Our thinking is to expand the campaign to the whole nation,” he said.
Abdul Raheem
Abdul Raheem said that Maldives was a 100 percent Muslim nation and therefore it was a must for us to speak up for oppressed Muslims everywhere.

Hardline Hindu groups, aided and abetted by India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), had intensified attacks on Muslims in India. Hijab and burqa bans in colleges, attacks on Muslim owned businesses, and bans on calls to prayer are common place in several Indian cities.

The government of Maldives had remained silent on the matter. This has many to speculate that the silence was due to deep connections between BJP and ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) led coalition.