Friday 18th Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
Opposition Coalition

Opposition Rally Planned At Hulhumalé Phase 2 This Friday

The opposition has organised a major rally in Hulhumalé under the banner of “Kotharukoshi” (“Pigeon-Cage”).
The rally is planned to be held in the Hulhumalé Phase 2 area, in the vicinity of the Hiyaa housing units. It has been reported that opposition leader, former President Abdullah Yameen will speak at the rally.
The opposition had held a major rally in the Carnival area in Malé City last Friday.
“Kotharukoshi” (“Pigeon-Cage”) is a reference to the derogatory remarks made by the officials and supporters of the Solih administration; such as Planning Minister Aslam and President Solih himself; in reference to the Hiyaa housing units.