Sunday 16th Feb 2025
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
Criminal Court

Remand Extended for the Man Who Leaked Nude Pictures

Criminal Court has granted a 15-day extension to the remand period of a suspect who has been pressed with charges for leaking nude pictures of multiple women via messaging app Telegram.
The man who was arrested for leaking nude pictures of multiple women over the social media app Telegram was Mohamed Masaid Bin Sameeu, Ma. Ispongege, K. Male’. The Criminal Court extended the remand of Masaid for 15 days more during the hearing which was held on Tuesday. The Prosecutor General’s Office filed several charges against Masaid with the Criminal Court.
The charges raised against Masaid:-
Three counts of possession of pornographic material.
Three counts of possession of pornographic material.
One count of illegal acquisition of information.
One count of attempted illegal acquisition of information.
One count of obstruction of justice.
One count of knowingly taking unauthorized control over the property of another.
One count of criminal trespass.
Masaid was arrested on August 22 on suspicion of hacking mobile phones and leaking personal pictures.
According to the police, he has a prior record for a similar offense.