Thursday 24th Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
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President Yameen

Opposition Requests PG to Conduct Independent Investigation into Leaked Audios

The opposition coalition has requested Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem to conduct an independent investigation into the leaked audios of three bench judges who convicted former President Yameen Abdul Gayoom of money laundering and sentenced him to five years in prison.
The opposition's letter addressed to the Prosecutor General highlighted that since the very beginning, the opposition has been reiterating that the verdict passed on President Yameen was unjust and cruel.
The letter requested PG Shameem to determine the legitimacy of the Criminal Court's 2019 verdict based upon the leaked audios. The coalition stated that they believe this must be done before the former president's appeal at Supreme Court comes to a conclusion.
In relation to the leaked audios, police collected audio samples of the three alleged judges on August 31. The audio analysis has been assigned to a private party.
The three judges continue to maintain that it is not their voices in the audios and that they have never made such statements.