Sunday 8th Sep 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business

MDP is an Outdated Force: Former President Yameen

Former President Yameen Abdul Gayoom declared the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) as an outdated and "expired force" during a People's National Front (PNF) meeting held last night. In his address, President Yameen criticized the MDP for allegedly destroying the country's moral fabric and for taking the army and police to the streets under the pretext of ensuring freedom of assembly.
Responding to a journalist's question about potential support for the MDP, President Yameen unequivocally stated that his party, the PNF, would not support the MDP under any circumstances. He emphasized that neither he nor his supporters align with the MDP's ideology and recalled the treatment he received from the MDP during their rule.
President Yameen recounted his detention under the MDP's administration and the denial of his right to contest elections, underscoring the strained relationship between him and the MDP.
"The MDP has lost its relevance and has become an expired force," President Yameen concluded, reaffirming his and the PNF's stance against the MDP.