Thursday 24th Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
MP Mohammed Saeed

Parties Pursuing Leadership Unable to Speak on Nation's Major Issues: Saeed

Parliament representative for Maavashu constituency Mohamed Saeed has said that parties and political leaders running for the presidency in 2023, and politicians who are the government’s allies are unable to speak on major issues in the country.
During a press conference held by the opposition, Saeed stated that the opposition coalition has spread across the country, and that it belongs to the public. He iterated that the party stands proud and will always stand for the sovereignty, independence, individuality, and nationality of the Maldives.
According to Saeed, the party continues to operate under the guidance of former President Yameen Abdul Gayoom, and President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and former President Mohamed Nasheed along with former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, Qasim Ibrahim, and Sheikh Imran have been keeping President Yameen jailed to influence his political work.
He claimed that apart from the opposition, no other party has spoken of major issues in the nation. Relevant parties did not comment on the Uthuru Thila Falhu issue, and those who claim to love the nation remained silent when the country was being sold. He highlighted that the only leader the government knows would speak of the issues, President Yameen, has been imprisoned and is being subject to torture.
MP Saeed added that besides the opposition, no party or politician has commented on the recent issue involving printing errors of the Quran in school textbooks.
Once again, he repeated that President Yameen is the only leader capable of thoughtfully and sincerely solving the nation’s issues.