Thursday 24th Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
Minister Ahmed Shiyaam

Summoning Pres. Yameen to Court Shows Influence on Courts: Shiyam

Parliament representative for Naifaru constituency Ahmed Shiyam has stated that former President Yameen Abdul Gayoom suddenly being summoned to court every time the opposition holds an event shows the amount of influence on courts.
He claimed that President Yameen being summoned to court every time the People’s National Congress (PNC) and Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) coalition holds a gathering proves that the courts are being influenced in a joint effort by the state to harm the former president.
“This is a joint effort by the state to harm President Yameen. The judges have been revealing that they are being ordered to harm President Yameen”, said Shiyam.
In efforts to grow their numbers, the opposition coalition held a major gathering dubbed “Addana” on Friday night. Numerous people gathered at the Alimas Carnival Area to participate in the event. It was the largest event held by a political party in Male’ as of recent.
After the event, President Yameen has been notified to attend court on Sunday. The hearing was to be held at 9 am, but did not begin until 10.30 am.
Criminal Court Chief Judge Ahmed Shakeel said that the bribery and money laundering charges against President Yameen can be pursued as a civil matter.
The former president has been accused of using Sun Construction and Engineering Pvt Ltd and Sun Investment Pvt Ltd to launder MVR 1.1 million from the leasing of Fuhgiri, Raa Atoll for resort development.
The hearing was held in conjunction with the Sun Companies and Kurik Riza. The Sun Company is being charged with money laundering. Kurik Riza is being charged with acting as a middle man providing a bribe.
According to Chief Judge Ahmed Shakeel, it must be determined whether the case is to be pursued as a civil matter. Considering the evidence, the judge decided that the issue can be pursued as a civil matter.