Thursday 24th Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
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President Yameen

State Requests Civil Court to Implement Part of Pres. Yameen's Criminal Court Ruling

The state has proposed the Civil Court implement part of the Criminal Court’s ruling on charges against former President Yameen Abdul Gayoom in 2019.
The Attorney General’s Office has requested the Civil Court to enforce the fine included as part of the Criminal Court ruling on President Yameen’s money laundering charges.
The Criminal Court found President Yameen guilty of money laundering and sentenced him to five years in prison, as well as a USD 5 million fine to be paid within six months.
The statement from the Attorney General’s Office read that President Yameen on June 26, 2021, received a notice from Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA) to pay the ordered fine within 30 days.
The statement further read that the Office, on August 24, has requested the Civil Court to enforce the fine in accordance with the Tax Administration Act.
The Tax Administration Act dictates that although another law may state as such in a different way, the Attorney General has the authority to use the courts to acquire funds owed to the state apart from tax.