Wednesday 23rd Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
MP Ahmed Usham

Parliament Requested to Probe How Sheikh Ilyas Acquired Diplomatic Passport

The Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Relations has been requested to investigate how Adhaalath Party-affiliated Sheikh Ilyas Hussain was issued a diplomatic passport.
Parliament representative for Villimale' constituency Ahmed Usham presented the matter to parliament and requested the committee to investigate. The issue has also been reported to the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) by a private entity.
During a recent Clubhouse discussion, Ilyas revealed that the Maldivian government issued him a diplomatic passport after he sought help as he failed to obtain a visa to reside with his child currently studying in Malaysia. He stated that he does not work at the embassy in Malaysia, and that it is just a formality used to obtain a diplomatic passport.
"To my knowledge, it is not prohibited", said Ilyas.
While many have been criticizing Ilyas, he has reiterated that he was awarded the position by the government.
Ilyas has been appointed as the Counselor to the Ambassador at the High Commission of the Maldives in Malaysia. According to Ilyas, he does not receive a salary as it is just a title on paper.
Regarding the issue, MP Usham tweeted that it is illegal to violate regulations and issue employment documents and a passport to obtain a visa. He revealed that he has reported the matter to the Foreign Relations Committee.
The committee has agreed to conduct an investigation into the issue reported by Usham. It has decided to obtain further information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and determine who else has been issued a passport in this manner.
The Foreign Relations Committee has decided to acquire information from the ministry, and investigate further if necessary.