Wednesday 23rd Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
MP Imthiyaz Fahmy

Not Yet Safe for Pres. Nasheed to Return to Maldives: Inthi

Parliament representative for Maafannu-North constituency Imthiyaz Fahmy (Inthi) has stated that it is not yet safe for former President and incumbent Speaker of Parliament Mohamed Nasheed to return to the Maldives.
Nasheed will not be joining the parliament sessions set to resume on Monday. He is currently in the United Kingdom seeking further treatment for injuries sustained in the May 6 terror attack. He traveled to the UK after seeking treatment in Germany.
Speaker Nasheed’s family has reported to some local media that he will return in September. However, no exact date was provided.
When Dhiyares inquired whether it is safe for the former president to return, Inthi, who is also the Spokesperson for Maldives Democratic Party (MDP), responded that it is not yet safe for President Nasheed to return.
Noting the reasons why it is not yet safe, Inthi claimed that the terrorists consider their efforts to be incomplete. No one has discovered the depth of the terrorist cell or group that conducted the May 6 attack.
He added that information from police and Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF), clearly shows the gravity of danger in the Maldives. He further stated that police have identified 1,400 people similar to those who orchestrated the attack. The 1,400 individuals walk free, said Inthi.
Four suspects have been prosecuted for the attack on President Nasheed. However, cases of several other suspects are currently in the investigative phase. The police have stated that the matters will be concluded and sent to the Prosecutor General’s Office for prosecution soon.