Wednesday 23rd Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
MP Imthiyaz Fahmy

Must Investigate Man Who Sent Death Threats to MP Waheed: Inthi

Parliament representative for Maafannu-North constituency Imthiyaz Fahmy (Inthi) has stated that the man who sent death threats to Ungoofaaru MP Mohamed Waheed (Wadde) must at least be investigated, as the matter cannot be resolved just by terminating his employment.
During an interview with online news Sun, Inthi, who is also a Spokesperson for Maldives Democratic Party (MDP), claimed that the issue is a criminal matter. Therefore, firing the teacher is not enough to resolve the issue.
According to Inthi, MP Wadde has reported the matter to all authorities. However, no investigations have been conducted. He added that it is the government’s responsibility to investigate and take action in the matter.
A teacher who sent death threats to MP Wadde on social media was fired on August 3. The man in question is Mohamed Ashraf, an Islam teacher at the Kudafaree (Noonu Atoll) School.