Wednesday 23rd Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
President Yameen

Criminal Court to Conduct Case Hearing for Pres. Yameen Tomorrow

The Criminal Court tomorrow will be conducting a hearing for two charges against former President Yameen Abdul Gayoom regarding the sale of Fuhgiri, Raa Atoll.
The Prosecutor General has raised two charges against the former president; accepting money as a bribe, and money laundering by use of companies owned by Maldives Development Alliance (MDA) President Ahmed Siyam (Sun).
While President Yameen has denied both charges, the Sun companies and Ahmed Kurik Riza (Kurikeela Hiyaa, Machchangolahi) have also denied similar accusations on the matter.
Kurik Riza is being charged with involvement in accepting a bribe. The Sun companies are being accused of and charged with money laundering.
During a hearing, President Yameen’s lawyers stated that the former President can only be charged if the charges against the other suspects have been proven.
One of the witnesses against President Yameen in this case is former Vice President Adeeb and former Managing Director of Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC) Abdulla Ziyath.