Wednesday 23rd Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
MP Imthiyaz Fahmy

Govt Indifferent to May 6 Attack, State of Emergency Needed Then: Inthi

Parliament representative for Maafannu-North constituency Imthiyaz Fahmy (Inthi) has stated that the government failed to take necessary steps following the May 6 terror attack on former President and incumbent Speaker of Parliament Mohamed Nasheed, and did not treat the situation appropriately.
During a program on Sangu TV, Inthi claimed he believed the attack on President Nasheed was not considered serious by the government.
According to Inthi, the attack on President Nasheed was much more serious, and a state of emergency should have been declared on the night of the attack.
A state of emergency should have been declared following the attack, as investigations into matters related to terrorism require acts that cannot be conducted under normal circumstances, said Inthi.
The MP reiterated that failure to announce a state of emergency is an encouragement for those who commit such acts and that people have been speaking of Nasheed in ways that create hate. The government has yet to take any appropriate steps regarding the issue.