Monday 10th Mar 2025
Dhivehi Edition
President Nasheed

Requesting Pres. Yameen's Support for PPM/MDP Coalition is Best Option: Nasheed

President Nasheed. Photo: Majilis
Leader of Maldives Democratic Party (MDP) and incumbent Speaker of Parliament Mohamed Nasheed has stated that forming a coalition with MDP and Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) would be the most beneficial option for the nation and MDP.
In a message sent to the WhatsApp group of MDP members, he reiterated the conditions upon which he would form a coalition with PPM. Nasheed stated that some MDP and PPM members were confused, and mentioned that PPM required changes.
After PPM implements the changes, forming a coalition with the party and asking for the support of PPM Leader former President Yameen Abdul Gayoom would be the best option for MDP and the nation, said Nasheed. He further detailed the changes PPM must implement.
He claimed that PPM needed to change its philosophies and be against the India Out campaign, advocate for the hate crime bill, and not prohibit music. MDP and PPM forming a coalition based upon those philosophies and asking for the help of President Yameen would greatly benefit MDP and Maldives.
Nasheed has previously highlighted his requirements. PPM has stated that neither the party nor its leader President Yameen would accept those conditions.

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