Wednesday 23rd Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
Minister Ahmed Shiyaam

No Deal to be Made with MDP: Shiyam

Vice President of the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) has stated that the views of PPM and Maldives Democratic Party (MDP) are as different as land and sky and that there is no deal to be made with MDP.
He stated that there is nothing that can be done with MDP as its views and philosophies are extremely different from the opposition's.
Former President and incumbent Speaker of Parliament Mohamed Nasheed has recently claimed that he is no longer politically aligned with President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and expressed interest in working with Leader of opposition PPM former President Yameen Abdul Gayoom.
During a press conference on Tuesday held by the opposition, MP Shiyam stated that both parties have extremely different views and regulations on Islam, the economy, and the development of the nation.
At the meeting, Shiyam reiterated that the government jailed President Yameen for political torture and that no deals will be made to free him from jail.
He claimed that the opposition is unwilling to make any deals to free President Yameen, and will only do so through the legal system. Shiyam mentioned that the public can clearly see the former president's actions, and stated that President Yameen is a patient person.
Shiyam further stated that the opposition coalition would always uphold former President Yameen's views, as they are based upon rules and policies accepted by the public.