Wednesday 23rd Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
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President Yameen

Pres. Yameen Has No Intention of Making Deals with Nasheed: Adhurey

President of People's National Congress (PNC) and interim Leader of opposition Progressive Congress Coalition Abdul Raheem Abdulla (Adhurey) has declared that former President and Leader of opposition Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) Yameen Abdul Gayoom has no intention of making any deals with former President Mohamed Nasheed.
In a message sent to the WhatsApp group of the Maldives Democratic Party (MDP) National Majilis, Nasheed revealed he is no longer politically aligned with President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih. He claimed he was unable to remain with President Solih, and is considering asking for the support of PPM if the party adopts moderate religious views.
During an interview with TMJ, Adhurey stated that President Yameen is transparent with all his political decisions, and has no intention of making any deals with Nasheed.
Adhurey reiterated that the opposition coalition does not believe in freeing President Yameen through a political deal, that the former president is not a criminal, and claimed MDP and its government are mistreating him. "MDP and its government are unjustly harming President Yameen. Asking for President Yameen's help white touring him is a joke. We believe MDP is trying to politically benefit from some internal struggle", said Adhurey.
When asked about President Yameen's thoughts on Nasheed's statements, Adhurey informed Dhiyares that former President Yameen believes Maldives must remain a 100 percent Muslim country, and that he stands for Maldives to be an independent Muslim country with complete sovereignty. He stated that President Yameen remains firm in his beliefs.