Friday 18th Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
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Minister Ahmed Shiyaam

Citizens Unable to Find Any Solution Except Pres. Yameen: Shiyam

Parliament representative for Naifaru constituency and Vice President of Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) Ahmed Shiyam has declared that the public considers President Yameen Abdul Gayoom as the only solution to the current situation.
Speaking on Channel13 on Monday, Shiyam stated that President Yameen ruled for the people, and since the current government came into office, the people realized that President Yameen served the public.
During the program, Shiyam highlighted the government's charges against the former president. He revealed that President Yameen was summoned to police and questioned regarding a Suspicious Transaction Report submitted by Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA). However, he was being charged in another matter entirely.
He further stated that if the lower court judges considered President Yameen's lawyers' statements, and the witness testimonies, they would not have made the same ruling they had.
The government and those who testified against Yameen had no basis to back their claims, and the judges who made the ruling had not been monitoring the case when witnesses were questioned.
"The public can no longer see any way other than President Yameen", said Shiyam. He claimed that the former president proved he ruled for the sake of the people and that the public realized it the day the presidency changed.
Mentioning that the statement released by the first judge appointed to oversee the case was suspected of being influenced by the government, Shiyam claimed that the pressure is due to Judicial Service Commission (JSC) wanting the case to be conducted per their wishes. He stated that the accusations against the judge have not been investigated by any investigative authorities.
Shiyam stated the appeal against the judge's ruling for President Yameen's case was sent to Supreme Court, surpassing all appellate courts.