Friday 18th Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
President Yameen

Pres. Yameen Summoned to Police Again

The legal team for former President Yameen Abdul Gayoom revealed that he has been summoned by police yet again.
The summons was tweeted by the main member of the former president's legal team, former Vice President Dr. Mohamed Jameel Ahmed.
President Yameen was most recently summoned to police last Saturday. Police stated he was summoned regarding charges for an ongoing case. Suspects are charged when an investigation is complete.
The former president is being investigated regarding the sale of Aarah, Vaavu Atoll, which was under the ownership of a company where the former Leader of Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) was a shareholder.
The state accused President Yameen of pocketing USD 1 million from the sale of the island.
Dr. Jameel previously informed Dhiyares that the former president was being summoned as the Asset Recovery Commission has been unable to find any leads in the Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC) corruption case.
He further stated that President Yameen was being summoned to distract the public from other major issues in the country.
The Criminal Court's ruling in 2019 has been appealed to Supreme Court by President Yameen's lawyers. Supreme Court has yet to schedule a hearing on the matter, but court proceedings for an additional charge are currently underway.
The main witnesses for all the charges faced by President Yameen are former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb and former Managing Director of MMPRC, who accepted a plea deal with the government and agreed to testify against the former president.