Wednesday 23rd Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
President Nasheed

Opposition Counters Nasheed's Demand for Mass Arrest

Opposition Progressive Congress coalition released a statement in response to former President and incumbent Speaker of Parliament Mohamed Nasheed’s call for mass arrests.
The statement read that the opposition strongly disagrees with making unlawful arrests with no regard to the constitution.
They also mentioned Articles 49, 58, 59, and 60 of the Constitution of Maldives, clearly demonstrating the grounds on which people can be arrested and detained.
“The coalition is concerned by Maldives Democratic Party (MDP) leader and former President Mohamed Nasheed’s declaration”, stated the opposition.
Former President Nasheed made the demand due to the perceived danger the country is in. He claimed the only way to prevent suicide attacks is to apprehend those in possession of the technology used in such attacks.
The opposition believes in working within constitutional limits to prevent terrorism. They reiterated the measures taken during the tenure of former President Yameed Abdul Gayoom. The statement further read that no unlawful arrests must be made, as it would be a violation of the constitution.
Former President Nasheed’s administration made several attempts at wrongful arrests, notably the arrest of former President Yameen, leader of People’s Alliance (PA) at the time. Chief Justice Abdullah Mohamed of the Criminal Court was placed under police observation for refusing to issue arrest warrants for political figures. The day President Nasheed resigned, at the Republic Square, he requested Maldives Police Service officers to hand themselves over to the Maldivian National Defence Force.