Wednesday 24th Apr 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
Ali Nizar

Mayor Nizar Defends MPL Staff Dismissed for Criticizing Govt on Social Media

Mayor of Addu City Ali Nizar defends an employee at Maldives Ports Limited (MPL), who was dismissed for criticizing the government on social media.
Ali Nizar, the former MP representing the Hithadhoo-South constituency, on Sunday, tweeted that during these difficult times, the termination of employees from any organization in Addu was unacceptable; all workers have mouths to feed and contribute to society.
Reports on Sunday claimed an MPL employee in Addu was fired for violating the company’s code of conduct. According to sources, he was informed of his dismissal via a phone call for criticizing the current administration.
When asked to receive the reason for dismissal in writing, a company representative said that they would only be able to provide a dismissal chit, which stated he was fired for violating their contract and the company's code of conduct.
Sources claim that the staff member received two letters of warning earlier in the year, as well as a 14-day suspension during Ramadan for the same reason. He was with the company for five years. According to his peers, the worker was friendly, loved his work, and was an exemplary employee.
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih received major backlash, the public arguing that he broke his campaign promise to allow free speech.