Tuesday 22nd Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
Progressive congress coalition

Opposition Coalition Calls on People to Get Vaccinated

Given that the World Health Organisation had approved the use of CoviShield, manufactured by the Serum Institute of India, for emergency use, the opposition PPM/PNC coalition has called on the public to get vaccinated.
In a statement released by the opposition Coalition, they stated that the WHO's Strategic Advisory Group of Experts On Immunization (SAGE) had approved of the emergency use of the CoviShield vaccine. As the WHO has recommended the use of Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and CoviShield vaccines, the statement read that the people should heed this recommendation and that the Coalition encouraged the use of the vaccine.
The statement read that the Coalition's actions in the future would be reflective of how they were with regards to the vaccine; they explained that waiting for the view and decision of the World Health Organization was how things had always been done in the Maldives in the past. The statement highlighted the importance of trusting the WHO given that the Maldives lacked the capability to independently verify the vaccine's safety.
The statement also read that the Coalition had no agenda which they prioritized over the safety of the people. It read that their concerns regarding foreign relations, and the salaries of health workers, were not as pressing or as important as concerns about public health.
The statement read Coalition officials would publicly receive the vaccination, that in order to encourage the people to get vaccinated.