Tuesday 22nd Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
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RajjeTV Uses Indian Military Helicopters, MNDF Servicemen For Reality TV Show

RajjeTV, a television channel managed by Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) parliamentarian MP Ahmed Saleem (Hoarafushi), is producing a programming which is set to feature a large number of Maldivian military vessels and personnel.
On a reality show titled "Celebrity Race", which is to air during Ramadan, featured many of the Force's vessels and vehicles. The show had also used made use of many MNDF personnel during the production. The show was shot between January 9 and 17 in an uninhabited island near Dh. Gemendhoo.
Six MNDF vessels had been assigned for the shooting of the RajjeTV show. Among the vessels are the Coast Guard vessel, Nooruddin, and a large landing-craft. In addition, a launch, a radar vessel, and one of the two helicopters being operated in the Maldives by the Indian military were featured.
50 military personnel participated in the shooting.
Many people have criticized the MNDF for participating in the production. Some have expressed that the State's resources and military personnel should not be used for the commercial benefit of a private party, and that MDNF's participation could be described as corruption.
RajjeTV is a well-established, pro-government channel that has been criticised by many as being instrumental in disseminating "government propaganda". The channel has previously come under fire for misrepresentation and defamation in its broadcasts, which are believed to heavily favour the Maldivian Democratic Party. Many individuals who had been active in RajjeTV during the previous administration have been appointed to political positions during the Solih presidency.
RajjeTV has also previously come under fire for misappropriating state property. During the Nasheed administration of 2008 to 2012, RajjeTV had illegally appropriated equipment that belonged to the State television station, Public Service Media. It is unclear whether RajjeTV ever compensated the government for this appropriation.