Saturday 26th Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
Political appointees

Former RaajjeTV Reporter Granted MVR 25,000 Political Appointment

Hawwa Mohamed, a former reporter for RaajjeTV; a private media outlet managed by MP Ahmed Saleem (MDP - Hoarafushi); has been granted a political appointment.
Hawwa Mohamed has been appointed as Communications Director at the Environment Ministry. The position has a basic monthly salary of MVR 15,000, MVR 10,000 in allowances, and a MVR 500 phone allowance.
Several former RaajjeTV reporters have been granted political appointments under the Solih administration. More recently, former reporter Thaharath Waheed had been appointed to a political position; former RaajjeTV reporter Rizna Zareer had been appointed to a position within the Gender Ministry.
RaajjeTV is notorious for its role as the Maldivian Democratic Party’s propaganda outlet. The outlet’s reporters had continuously engaged extensively in character assassination and in reporting baseless fabrications as fact.