Wednesday 16th Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business

Doppler Weather Radar in Hulhumalé Repaired and Reused After Long Downtime

The Doppler Weather Radar in Hulhumalé, which had been out of operation due to a technical malfunction, has been successfully repaired and put back into service. The radar, now functioning with cutting-edge technology used in developed countries, is set to play a crucial role in providing real-time weather data and enhancing the accuracy of weather forecasts in the Maldives.
According to a statement from the Maldives Meteorological Service, the Doppler radar can accurately track weather conditions within a 250 km radius, extending from Laamu Atoll in the south to Shaviyani Atoll in the north. The system provides "nowcasting" capabilities, allowing for real-time predictions of weather patterns, including rainfall areas, cloud movement, and wind conditions at different atmospheric levels.
“This radar will be an essential tool not only for weather forecasting but also for aviation safety, as it helps monitor critical air information across various layers,” the Met Office said. Such technology will enable authorities to make informed decisions on weather-related events, especially during the rainy season or severe weather conditions, ensuring greater safety for the public and aviation.
The reactivation of the radar comes as part of ongoing efforts by the Maldives Meteorological Service to strengthen radar surveillance and improve early warning systems in both the northern and southern regions of the country. This development marks a significant step in enhancing the Maldives' weather monitoring capabilities, which is vital for safeguarding communities and supporting industries reliant on accurate meteorological data, such as tourism and fisheries.