Saturday 28th Sep 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
Ministry of Tourism

Maldives Government Revises Timetable for Resort Refurbishment and Redevelopment

The Maldivian government has revised the guidelines and timelines for resort refurbishment and redevelopment, introducing new limits on the duration allowed for these projects. Under the updated rules, resorts undergoing refurbishment will have a maximum period of three years to complete the work, while those being entirely demolished and rebuilt will be allowed up to three years and six months.
According to the Ministry of Tourism, this amendment aims to streamline the redevelopment process and ensure that resorts are operational within a reasonable timeframe. If a resort fails to commence operations within the specified period, the Ministry has the authority to extend the timeframe, provided the resort management can produce evidence that necessary equipment and personnel are on site.
Further, the new regulation stipulates that resorts entirely closed for reconstruction can have their rent payments postponed during the redevelopment period. However, this deferment will end once the refurbishment is completed, at which point regular rent payments will resume.
The Ministry of Tourism highlighted that these adjustments are part of the government's broader efforts to support the tourism sector while ensuring that resorts maintain high standards and contribute to the nation's economy promptly.
This change comes amid a broader focus on revitalizing the Maldives' tourism industry, which remains a key economic pillar for the island nation. Resort operators are expected to comply with the updated timelines, and the Ministry will monitor progress to ensure adherence to the new regulations.