Thursday 19th Dec 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
European union

Minister Zameer Calls on EU to Reduce Duty on Maldivian Fish

Foreign Minister Moosa Zameer has called on the European Union (EU) to reduce the duty on fish exported from Maldives to Europe.
Speaking at the EU Indo-Pacific Ministerial Forum, Zameer said the EU should reduce duties on fish exported to Europe to help Maldives expand its economy by creating equal opportunities for trade and investment.
At the forum held in Brussels, Belgium, Minister Zameer highlighted the economic and climate change challenges faced by small island states like Maldives. Zameer also highlighted the need for assistance to overcome such difficulties.
The government of President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu is giving top priority to increasing Maldives’ self-sufficiency and has launched many projects targeting sectors where the country has developed dependence on other nations, he said.
Maldives exports only fish products, he said, adding that the European Union's reduction of duties on fish products will give Maldives equal opportunities for trade and investment in the international arena.
The European Union increased duties on fish products in 2013 after Maldives was declared a developing country. The EU increased the fish duty to 24%, cutting the concessions given to Maldives when it had been designated as a less developed country.