Friday 14th Mar 2025
Dhivehi Edition

Pakistan HC marks country’s independence

The High Commission of Pakistan in the Maldives has celebrated the country’s 75th Independence Day.
The event was held in the High Commission and attended by the High Commissioner, Pakistani citizens living in the Maldives and non-government organizations affiliated with Pakistan.
The Deputy Head of Mission Zulqarnain Ahmad spoke at the event, highlighting the history of Pakistan, the importance of independence, and the ideological state of the country formed on the basis of a visionary struggle and sacrifices. He also reflected on the work carried out in the Maldives by Pakistan and Pakistanis. He concluded his speech by wishing the people of Maldives a continued progress and development.

In his address, Vice Admiral Ather Mukhtar, the High Commissioner, paid tribute to all those who had perished in defense of the nation. He added that while the occasion was a joyous one, the plight of Muslims, especially that of those in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Kashmiris, he said, had every right to self-determination, calling on the international community to recognize this.

He urged all Pakistanis to stand firm and work for progress and prosperity. Unity, faith, and discipline should be the tenets which each citizen adhered to.

The High Commissioner also spoke on the relations between Maldives and Pakistan. This relationship, he said, was formed on the basis of common ideals and principles, religion, history, and common culture. He added that the High Commission is working with the government of Maldives to further this relationship.

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