Friday 14th Mar 2025
Dhivehi Edition
Attack on President Nasheed

Pres Nasheed accuses ruling party deputy PG of covering up terror attack

President Nasheed
Parliament Speaker former President Mohamed Nasheed has leveled severe accusations against MP Hussain Shaheem the deputy leader of ruling MDP's parliamentary group.
The speaker accused him of aiding the government to cover up the 6th May 2021 terror attack on Nasheed.
Nasheed made these explosive accusations in a message sent to the Whatapp group chat of Parliament Members, adding that his blood was on Hussain’s hands.
Hussain had responded to these allegations, firing back that he had no such agenda and Nasheed would be more than aware that he would not be able to conduct such a coverup.
Nasheed had reiterated his claims once again.
“I know this for a fact. Andhungey [a reference to Hussain’s family] Hussain is one of the partners of the coverup,” Nasheed said.
Hussain had repeatedly denied this, saying that there should be a limit on accusations. He claimed that these accusations were made because he had backed Minister of Economic Development Fayyaz Ismail for ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) internal elections.
The barbs carried on for a bit more; Nasheed had accused Hussain of betrayal, with Hussain denying the claims.
Nasheed then went on to say that there was a ring leader, who was working with Hussain, but refrained from naming any names.
“To the best of my knowledge, I swear to God, that you and another individual are collaborating with the government to cover up the attack on me,” Nasheed said.
Nasheed, in another message to the same group, said that his blood was on Hussain’s hands.
“My blood is on your hands,” Nasheed said, referring to Hussain and other Members of Parliament on President Solih’s faction. Remarking that he is from a strong lineage, Nasheed warned that he would not let this go. In the messages, Nasheed had repeatedly and emphatically said that Hussain and his collaborators had his blood on their hands.
Hussain, in his denial, asked Nasheed to check the investigative and inquiry reports to see if his name was on it.
Hussain and many other high ranking MDP officials, including President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih had backed Minister Fayyaz. Nasheed, on the other hand, is backing Member of Parliament for North Maafannu Constituency Imthiyaz Fahmy for the post. The elections are slated for May 14th.
Hussain a close figure to Defense Minister Mariya Ahmed Didi. He is known to accompany the Minister on her private trips abroad.
There is significant evidence to show that Minister Mariya was aware of an attack on Speaker Nasheed. Evidence also shows that Minister Mariya did not take any action to prevent such an attack or increase security given to the former President.
Following the attack, there were several calls to remove Mariya from her cabinet position. However, no action was taken and there were several rumors that Indian High Commission had intervened and prevented Minister Mariya’s dismissal.

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