Tuesday 23rd Apr 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
President Nasheed

India Out Movement Could Harm The Maldives: Speaker Nasheed

Majlis Speaker Mohamed Nasheed has claimed that the "India Out" campaign could cause "harm" to the Maldives.
Speaking at the first session of the Parliament Committee on National Security Services (also known as the 241 Committee); convened by a motion submitted by Speaker Nasheed himself to inquire into the nature of the "India Out" campaign; Speaker Nasheed said that it was important to review the ill-effects of acting against countries with which the Maldives had established diplomatic relations.
Speaker Nasheed said that a country's political party or a political personality may be criticised, but it was important to review how a country may view the Maldives or act towards the Maldives because of activities against a country with which the Maldives had diplomatic relations.
He said that this was a huge issue and that many experts needed to be consulted, and the inquiry should look into if similar activities took place in other countries as well.
He said that it was his view that the India Out campaign could harm the Maldives.
The 241 Committee is chaired by MP Mohamed Aslam (MDP-Hithadhoo North) and a majority of MDP parliamentarians.
Non-MDP members of the Committee are MP Ghassan Maumoon (PPM-Guraidhoo), MP Adam Shareef Umar (PNC-Maduvvaree), MP Ahmed Usham (MNP-Vilimale), and MP Ali Hussain (JP-Kendhoo).
As the 241 Committee prepares to analyse the India Out movement, the MDP is currently drafting a bill that would make participation in the India Out movement an offence punishable by prison-time. It is likely that the bill will be submitted to the floor this week.