Thursday 24th Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
President Yameen

Prez Yameen Cannot be implicated for the MMPRC case

Former Tourism Minister Ali Waheed stated that the Former President and Leader of the Opposition Yameen Abdul Gayoom cannot be implicated in the case of MMPRC.
During Yameen’s tenure, Ali Waheed was the then Opposing party MDP’s Chairman. Ali Waheed had been one of the leaders who had Criticized Yameen immensely. He had also been one of the main people to head the rally on May Day.
Ali Waheed tweeted on Sunday morning saying that Yameen cannot be implicated. He also said that during the tenure of Yameen an investigation was done in another country. he further said that Yameen’s accounts were not frozen at the time because he was not implicated therefore Yameen should be released.