Thursday 24th Oct 2024
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Supreme Court

Supreme Court Bench Presiding over Pres. Yameen's Case Revealed

The Supreme Court bench presiding over former President Yameen Abdul Gayoom’s appeal against the Criminal Court’s five-year prison sentence has been revealed.
The Supreme Court website has published the issue’s schedule and presiding judges. The bench is comprised of Judge Mahaz Ali Zahir, Judge Dr. Azmiraldha Zahir, and Judge Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim.
The Criminal Court in 2019 convicted President Yameen of money laundering and issued a five-year prison sentence along with a USD 5 million fine. When appealed in High Court, the presiding judge concurred with the Criminal Court’s verdict.
President Yameen has appealed the Criminal Court hearing in the Supreme Court. His legal team has stated that in both stages, several points noted in the lower court and High Court have been reviewed.
The former president’s first appeal hearing in Supreme Court is scheduled to be held at 9 am on September 12 and 13, 2021.
While the appeal has been scheduled, an audio recording of Judge Hassan Faaiz, a member of the bench that presided over the case in the lower court, has been leaked. In the audio clip, Judge Faaiz claims to have issued the verdict as he was “held captive”, insinuating that the verdict was unjust.