Friday 14th Feb 2025
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
MP Ali Niyaz

Issues with Hulhumale' Municipal Services to be Solved within This Week: Niyaz

Parliament representative for Hulhumale’ constituency Ali Niyaz has stated that the issue regarding the transfer of Hulhumale’s municipal services to the Male’ City Council will be solved within the week.
Housing Development Corporation (HDC) currently provides Hulhumale’s municipal services. The Male’ City Council has promised to transfer the services to the council. Despite its efforts, the council has revealed that it has not received adequate support from HDC. The matter was also discussed during the meeting on the Hulhumale’ land-use plan. Several residents at the meeting requested the municipal services to be transferred to the council.
While debating on the government’s amendment to the land use plan bill, Niyaz claimed that Hulhumale’ is within the Male’ City Council’s jurisdiction. The law clearly dictates that Hulhumale’s municipal services should be provided by the city council, so the matter does not need to be taken to court or defined, said Niyaz.
Although he has shared his thoughts on transferring municipal services during the Hulhumale’ City Council’s meeting to gather public opinion on the land use plan, Niyaz stated that it was not what the public or the council really want. He divulged that the council has budgeted MVR 17 million for Male’ municipal services, but the municipal services for Hulhumale’ alone require around MVR 70 million.
The council has requested HDC to also transfer its municipal budget as well, and Niyaz has claimed he believes the best temporary course of action is to create an agreement between the city council and HDC. He stressed that it is not a permanent solution as he believes the city council next year should be provided a budget for Hulhumale’s municipal services.
Niyaz has revealed that the council is currently working on acquiring a budget to provide municipal services for Hulhumale’.