Sunday 16th Feb 2025
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
Member Ali Riza

MP Riza Charged with Human Trafficking

The state has raised human trafficking charges against parliament representative for Milandhoo constituency Ali Riza for sourcing trafficked expatriates and forcing employees to work without pay while developing Bodufinolhu, Baa Atoll into a resort.
Spokesperson and Public Prosecutor of the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) Ahmed Shafeeu stated that RIX Company Pvt Ltd, owned by Ali Riza, was suspected of human trafficking, sourcing trafficked expatriates from other islands, and exploiting workers, forcing them to work without pay for an extended period of time.
Shafeeu revealed that laborers at Bodufinolhu were forced to work without pay for an extended period of time, and those who protested against their employer were fired. He added that Riza forced them to continue working at Bodufinolhu, failed to provide employment fees on behalf of expatriate workers required by the state, and violated workers’ rights.
The issue of RIX’s exploitation of its employees surfaced in July last year. Police sent the case to the PGO for prosecution on December 3, 2020. The case was examined by the PGO on December 16, 2020.
Ali Riza was sent to the Criminal Court and charged with human trafficking and obstruction of justice. Nasrullah Usman (Milandhoo, Shaviyani Atoll) and Hassan Umar (Maafaru, Noonu Atoll) are both being charged with abetting human trafficking.