Wednesday 23rd Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
MP Ibrahim Shareef

India's Support Crucial to Defend Maldives' Independence, Sovereignty: Shareef

Parliament representative for Addu-Maradhoo constituency Ibrahim Shareef has stated that India’s support is crucial in defending the independence and sovereignty of Maldives.
Shareef made his statement in a tweet posted Friday. According to MP Shareef, everyone must acknowledge the importance of India’s support to defend the Maldives’ independence and sovereignty. He also claimed that relationships should be maintained with countries such as the United States and China.
When questioned by Dhiyares whether Indian military presence is needed to defend the country’s independence, Shareef claimed the presence of foreign military is unnecessary. Dhiyares then asked why the Indian military are in Maldives. Shareef responded that it is to train Maldivians to operate helicopters.
It is worth noting that it has been 11 years since the Indian military brought a helicopter to Maldives as a gift in 2010. However, not a single Maldivian has been trained to operate the helicopter to date. Since President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih assumed office, the number of Indian soldiers has been rising.
Many have criticized Shareef for minimizing the gravity of the Indian military presence in Maldives.