Saturday 26th Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
MP Ibrahim Shareef

Sickos spreading "filthy lies" about my father: MP Shareef's daugher

Mizna Shareef, the daughter of Ibrahim Shareef (Mavota Shareef), Member of Parliament for the Maradhoo constituency, took to Twitter in defense of her father.
Mizna is the Deputy High Commissioner of Maldives High Commission in Malaysia and Shareef is a firm political defender of President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih. Shareef ran under heavy scrutiny for his remarks on support for the latest tax bill posed by the government.
Some commenters on twitter argued that increasing tax rates will only benefit people such as Shareef’s daughter who sat on political seats. Following which Shareef had heated exchanges on the social media platform. Shareef made strong claims on Twitter, one of which had been an accusation against former president and Speaker of Parliament, President Mohamed Nasheed, of planning a massmurder.
Many raised concerns about Shareef’s claims, asking him why had he not publicly voiced the issue when President Nasheed allegedly planned such a dangerous pursuit. Moreover, multiple people accused Shareef of using MMPRC dirty money.
In the face of public scrutiny, Shareef’s daughter Mizna described the speculations as “sickos” spreading “filthy lies” about her father who she described as a family man and an upstanding parent. She added that it was nothing in comparison to what their family has encountered.
“Just another day in politics.”, She stated.
People on social media arraigned Mizna for defending her father, noting her income of MVR 2.4 million as a political appointee of President Solih’s administration. The commenters derided her, alleging that she must feel proud of her father since she clearly owed her position to her father’s influence.
TMJ had previously reported on Mizna’s annual income through her ambassadorship and Shareef expressed his outrage during a parliament session.