Saturday 1st Mar 2025
Dhivehi Edition
MP Ibrahim Shareef

Nasheed planned to frame President Maumoon for mass-murder: Mavota Shareef

MP Ibrahim Shareef. Photo: Majlis
Member of Parliament for the Maradhoo constituency Ibrahim Shareef (Mavota) claimed that former president and the Speaker of Parliament Mohamed Nasheed attempted to frame former President Maumoon Abdul Qayyoom for mass murder.
Shareef made the accusation in response to Twitter user, “Hassan Kurusee”’s tweet which claimed that Shareef was removed from MDP membership because he had harassed a female staff member at MDP parliamentary group secretariat.
Shareef stated with certainty that the twitter account by the name “Hassan Kurusee” was operated by President Nasheed. However, President Nasheed previously denied using an account by that name.
Shareef claimed that Nasheed planned a massmurder of fifty people, in an attempt to overthrow President Maumoon’s regime and that the MDP parliamentary group passed a decree to halt such weighted actions. Moreover, Shareef noted that in addition to the decree, MDP reached out to foreign leaders to stop President Nasheed, and their intervention had played a great part in implementing the decree.
Shareef added that the decree was passed with the approval of all the MDP parliament members present at that time.
According to Shareef, the MDP Parliamentary Group leader, at the time of the decree issuance, had been The President’s Office’s Minister, Mohamed Shihab. In his absence, Shareef confirmed that he had personally signed the letters sent out to foreign leaders, on behalf of the MDP PG.

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