Wednesday 23rd Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
MP Ghassan Maumoon

PPM Will Not Accept Pres. Nasheed's Conditions: Ghassan

Parliament representative for Guraidhoo constituency and Vice President of Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) Mohamed Ghassan Maumoon declared that PPM would not accept former President and incumbent Speaker of Parliament Mohamed Nasheed's conditions to form a coalition with PPM.
Ghassan made his statement regarding former President Nasheed claiming Maldives Democratic Party (MDP) needed a new perspective that does not protest against Indian military presence and stands for the hate crime bill. He further stated that he believes most members of MDP and PPM share the same views.
During a press conference hosted by PPM on Clubhouse, Ghassan, in response to a question from Dhiyares, stated that PPM would not compromise Islam, and does not believe there is such a thing as moderate Islam.
"PPM does not believe there is such a thing as moderate Islam. Islam is as Allah declared it", said Ghassan, in response to Nasheed's claim that he would request the support of PPM if the party adopted moderate religious views.
Ghassan further stated that PPM will maintain the independence and sovereignty of Maldives, and the party will not stand for giving even a grain of sand to a foreign entity.
MP Ghassan reiterated that the leaders and members of PPM will not believe any of Nasheed's claims and that the party is not in a position to compromise its regulations.
He declared that PPM is focused on serving the people, and that is the reason why the party is working to free Yameen and allow him to once again become President in 2023.