Wednesday 23rd Oct 2024
Dhivehi Edition
News Reports Sports Business
Ali Waheedh

Ali Waheed's Online Hearing Appealed in High Court

The decision to allow former Minister of Tourism Ali Waheed to attend his sexual misconduct hearing virtually, from the United Kingdom, has been appealed in High Court.
Facing several charges of sexual harassment, Ali Waheed flew to the UK for medical treatment. He failed to return to Maldives within the allotted time period, claiming his treatment was incomplete. He then requested to proceed with the hearing online, which Judge Hassan Saeed of the Criminal Court granted.
The hearing took place recently. It is worth noting that it was the first time a felon was tried in court while in a country that Maldives does not have jurisdiction over.
Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem, at the hearing, stated he refused to consider the proceeding valid.
If Ali Waheed is convicted of all his charges, he faces 21 years of imprisonment.